Why do archaeologists absolutely not touch these two `colorful` things in ancient tombs? 2

Why do archaeologists absolutely not touch these two `colorful` things in ancient tombs?

With the concept of bringing a fulfilling life in the `afterlife`, many gold, silver, jewelry, treasures, and treasures that became burial objects were found in ancient tombs.

Normally, antiques such as ceramic vases, gold and silver vases are not afraid of oxidation and they can remain intact after thousands of years.

Burial objects reflect the beliefs or living habits of ancient people.

However, when chicken eggs are discovered in thousand-year-old tombs, archaeologists will absolutely not touch them to avoid damage to these artifacts.

Why do archaeologists absolutely not touch these two `colorful` things in ancient tombs?

Besides chicken eggs, there are two colorful things that archaeologists will absolutely not touch immediately after discovering them in ancient tombs.

The first is the fresco.

Many frescoes can still maintain their original state with vivid colors and drawings thanks to the stable environment in ancient tombs.

Why do archaeologists absolutely not touch these two `colorful` things in ancient tombs?

Second is silk fabric.

According to archaeologists, the reason silk fabrics in ancient tombs are easily damaged is similar to frescoes.

The reason why archaeologists in China do not dare to touch silk fabric partly comes from lessons from the past.

Why do archaeologists absolutely not touch these two `colorful` things in ancient tombs?

Initially, the silk fabrics in this tomb were very sophisticated and splendid.

Article reference source: Sohu, Sina

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