Decode a series of amazing facts about the legendary Titanic that movies seem to have missed 2

Decode a series of amazing facts about the legendary Titanic that movies seem to have missed

In 1912, the RMS Titanic, known as the unsinkable ship, welcomed passengers on board and made its first journey.

However, it unfortunately encountered a terrible incident after hitting an iceberg and slowly sank into the sea over a period of 2 hours and 40 minutes.

After the disaster occurred, there were many stories and movies made based on the tragedy of the sinking of the Titanic, most notably the movie Titanic (1997) directed by James Cameron.

It is known that about 3,000 workers worked for more than two years to build the Titanic.

At the time the iceberg hit the ship and sent it sinking to the ocean floor, it was about 30 meters high and part of a glacier in Greenland.

Because it was the most luxurious ship in the 1910s, the first class cabin of the Titanic was popular with the upper class.

Decode a series of amazing facts about the legendary Titanic that movies seem to have missed

It sounds pretty unbelievable but it wasn’t a big deal for most of the passengers on the Titanic because its wealthiest passenger was John Jacob Astor IV, a businessman, investor and real estate builder.

In the film version of Titanic directed by James Cameron, the love story of Jack and Rose became the legendary symbol of the film.

It is known that in reality it is impossible for Jack and Rose to meet on the Titanic because Rose is a first class passenger and all activities of first class people will be completely separate from the rest.

Decode a series of amazing facts about the legendary Titanic that movies seem to have missed

One of the most surprising facts about the Titanic is that it took 73 years for the location of the remains of the once majestic Titanic to be determined.

It is known that after sinking in the cold ocean, there were many efforts to find the ship’s wreckage for many years but were unsuccessful.

Currently, the ship’s ruins are still lying at a depth of about 4,000 meters below the ocean’s surface, but according to scientists, the remains of the ship will soon disappear into the ocean within the next 20 years.

Decode a series of amazing facts about the legendary Titanic that movies seem to have missed
Decode a series of amazing facts about the legendary Titanic that movies seem to have missed

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