Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer! 6

Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer!

Electronics like phones have a lot of risks and can sometimes make us `crazy` because they suddenly break down for no reason at all.

Therefore, please note down the important things below immediately to ensure you do not have to spend a ton of money after just a short time because you need to constantly replace your phone.

Regularly clean the charging port

The charging port is one of the places that is susceptible to dust and this will affect the charging process of the device.

Do not leave your phone on the car dashboard

An existing habit among people who often drive cars is to `conveniently` put the phone on the dashboard.

Do not put your phone in a bucket of rice to absorb moisture

Dehumidifying with a rice bucket is not a good way to save your wet phone.

Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer!

Take your phone for regular warranty service

Most users have no concept of `warranty`, let alone having it checked regularly.

Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer!

Do not keep your phone in your back pocket

Not to mention the risk of `two fingers` or feeling uncomfortable when sitting, leaving your phone in your back pocket can cause you to pull out a misshapen mess of aluminum and glass – the rest of the device.

Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer!

Turn off Bluetooth/AirDrop when not in use

In addition to wasting battery life, turning off AirDrop and Bluetooth, especially in public places, will help you avoid spreading malicious code or unwanted harassment.

Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer!

Charge your phone before the battery is completely depleted

Experts agree that you should not let your phone shut down because it runs out of battery because this will negatively affect your battery life.

Follow the 10 things below, your phone will definitely last longer!

Update software regularly

This not only helps you use the latest features, but also fixes any software errors during use as well as helps optimize battery and improve security.

Avoid charging at public outlets or using free Wi-Fi

USB outlets and free Wi-Fi in public locations like airports are a great environment for hackers to steal your sensitive and personal information.

Do not use an armband (phone holder) when exercising

The Armband is a useful tool for carrying your phone with you when you run or exercise.

According to: BrightSide

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