Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning 2

Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning

The closer it gets to hour G of the WeChoice Awards 2020 event, the more the audience’s attention is focused with increasing excitement.

One of the important factors that help the WeChoice Awards Gala night succeed over the years certainly comes from the extremely grand stage, the concept is changed each year, with the sound – light – image system.

After the extremely impressive 360-degree stage with 4 sides at the WeChoice Awards 2019, will the WeChoice Awards 2020 stage bring us any surprises?

Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning

Our first impression of the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage is minimalism: the center of the stage is a giant cylindrical LED screen, surrounded by 4 sides and above is a majestic lighting system and system.

Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning

The explanation for the stage is somewhat simple, General Director Viet Tu spoke up to explain, proudly calling this the first `minimalist stage` in Vietnam, without any programs or awards ceremonies.

`I call this `the first minimalist stage in Vietnam`, no program, especially an awards ceremony, has ever used such a stage. This year I feel very pressured by this, we

Therefore, at the last minute, I decided to choose `minimalism` as the core value to create the WeChoice Awards 2020 stage. Minimalism itself (different from simplicity and sketchiness) here is also

Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning
Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning

In addition, there is another main meaning of this year’s stage, which I would like to keep, so that the two MCs will explain it in the program.`

Talking more about this `minimalism`, Director Viet Tu had a passionate explanation about the idea of staging this year’s WeChoice Awards stage.

`We talk a lot about minimalism, but few people understand the true meaning of this phrase. To me, `minimalism` is one of the highest forms of `complexity`, doing minimalism is not easy because

The challenge of this stage is to remove the constraints of the physical stage floor. When we installed the stage, the representative of the venue rental unit often asked when the stage floor would be installed and if so.

Revealing the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala stage: Promoting minimalism, behind it are creative ideas and a lot of meaning

Besides, there is a challenge in terms of completion, because most of the time there is nothing to perfect in the traditional way, all boundaries, all distances are conventional.

Many audiences are still not satisfied with this `minimalism`, and can’t help but compare the WeChoice Awards 2020 stage with previous years’ gala nights.

`When you are creative and still think about the past, it becomes an invisible anchor that anchors you back to the old position. Because I don’t want to repeat, I erased all related stage drawings.

There are many ways to create WOW and uniqueness, and it shouldn’t be a race against yourself over technical equipment usage statistics, although the WeChoice Awards have never been short on technical equipment.

As mentioned above, WeChoice has unlimited resources in terms of equipment and the latest performance technology. To achieve this, we are truly fortunate to once again have the companionship of the units.

The closer it gets to G-hour, the more excited the audience is about the WeChoice Awards 2020 Gala night program. As a talented Vietnamese director, the creator of theatrical `masterpieces` such as Q Show 2 by Le Quyen,

`WeChoice is a special program in itself, it reflects the panorama of what inspires society throughout the year, in almost every field. Therefore, the performances in WeChoice

The opening act, as most of what was most impressive about the production had been used in the previous three seasons.

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