7 strange prophecies of Nostradamus AI about the world: Cancer, Mars are also named 2

7 strange prophecies of Nostradamus AI about the world: Cancer, Mars are also named

French prophet Nostradamus (1503-1566) is famous for his predictions in his book `Prophecies` that some believe ‘foretold’ events that took place in modern times hundreds of years ago.

What if artificial intelligence (AI) predicted possible future events in the style of legendary 16th-century French astrologer Nostradamus?

Egypt Independent posted 7 predictions for the next 100 years of Nostradamus AI, including some bright and positive predictions:

1. 2031 – A cure for cancer is discovered

In its first prediction, AI Nostradamus declared that a cure for cancer may not be far away.

Nostradamus AI: In 2031, the world will witness a very rare explosive medical event: Finding a cure for cancer.

2. 2050 – Natural disasters raged

Humanity’s fight against climate change could reach its peak in less than 30 years.

Nostradamus AI warns: 2050 could be a year full of natural disasters around the world.

7 strange prophecies of Nostradamus AI about the world: Cancer, Mars are also named

3. 2060 – The revolution of artificial intelligence (AI)

Nostradamus AI warns that humanity may fall into fear and anxiety before the artificial intelligence revolution by 2060.

Nostradamus AI: In 2060, robots and machines will develop, it will be a very exciting revolution.

4. 2074 – The first human colony appears on Mars

Nostradamus AI believes that humanity will establish an outpost on the Red Planet by the end of the 21st century.

Nostradamus AI: In 2074, the stars will figuratively ‘shine’, as humans embark on their cosmic dream.

5. 2084 – The combination of humans and machines

7 strange prophecies of Nostradamus AI about the world: Cancer, Mars are also named

Nostradamus AI predicts that the perfect combination of humans and machines, often seen in the pages of science fiction novels, will become a reality in just 61 years (from now on).

Nostradamus AI: In 2084, a discovery awaits that opens a new door.

6. 2085 – New pandemic

Nostradamus AI predicts that an unknown disease will appear in a new era of cooperation between all nations on Earth.

7 strange prophecies of Nostradamus AI about the world: Cancer, Mars are also named

Nostradamus AI: In 2085, a strange disease will plague the world.

7. 2099 – Peace on Earth

Nostradamus AI predicts that the worldwide peace that humanity dreams of will become a reality in the last year of the 21st century.

Nostradamus AI: In 2099, the desired peace will cover all countries on Earth.

This peace will open new horizons for humanity before humans enter the new century.

The article uses source: Egypt Independent

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