Truth Arena: Go against the meta current with a squad of 6 Illusionary Dragons 1

Truth Arena: Go against the meta current with a squad of 6 Illusionary Dragons

If you remember, in season 6, Riot introduced the Mutant race with the ability to change effects after each match and was enthusiastically received by gamers.

Basically, the gameplay of this race will revolve around the main force of the Illusionary Dragon named Daeja with extremely good damage over time.

In the early stages of the game, it is best for gamers to use Yone as the main damage player as this general can deal extremely annoying mixed damage.

Truth Arena: Go against the meta current with a squad of 6 Illusionary Dragons

In the mid-game, you should add Shen and Olaf to the field to activate both the 4 Warriors and 2 Gladiators milestones.

For the late game, you will start rolling strongly at level 8 to get more important units like Nunu, Yasuo and Daeja and reach the milestone of 6 Phantom Dragons.

Truth Arena: Go against the meta current with a squad of 6 Illusionary Dragons

Regarding core technology options, upgrades that add strength to the Huyen Long clan are extremely important.

As for equipment options, Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Sorcerer’s Scarf are extremely important for Daeja.

Truth Arena: Go against the meta current with a squad of 6 Illusionary Dragons
Truth Arena: Go against the meta current with a squad of 6 Illusionary Dragons

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