Is the mysterious disk at the bottom of the Baltic Sea the product of a prehistoric civilization or an alien spacecraft? 2

Is the mysterious disk at the bottom of the Baltic Sea the product of a prehistoric civilization or an alien spacecraft?

This mysterious disc was accidentally discovered in 2001 by a professional salvage team, who encountered many difficulties and dangers while trying to discover its true identity.

After testing and research, they discovered that this disc was a metal product that had been sleeping at the bottom of the sea for 140,000 years.

In June 2011, Sweden’s professional salvage team Ocean X discovered the wreck of a wine ship at a depth of about 90m below the Baltic Sea (Northern Europe).

In June 2001, a professional salvage team called Ocean X stumbled upon something extremely mysterious while hunting for treasure in the Baltic Sea.

Using sonar equipment, they found a giant disk about 60 meters in diameter and about 4 meters high on the seabed.

Its edges are so smooth and perfectly curved that it looks unnatural.

This discovery made the salvage team very excited.

Is the mysterious disk at the bottom of the Baltic Sea the product of a prehistoric civilization or an alien spacecraft?

The Ocean X salvage team did not immediately enter the water to examine the disc after it was first discovered.

The next day, to find out the truth, the Ocean X team went to the Baltic Sea again after full preparations.

As the submersible approached the disc, suddenly, the submersible and all the equipment on board failed.

When the train travels 200m, all equipment returns to normal operation.

This proves that the disc cannot be formed naturally and is most likely an artificial product.

Is the mysterious disk at the bottom of the Baltic Sea the product of a prehistoric civilization or an alien spacecraft?

To ensure the equipment on the ship can operate normally, they can only park the boat 200m away from the disc.

When approaching the giant diver, the experienced diver took out his tools and wanted to break a small sample to bring back for research.

Immediately, the diver felt extremely scared. He swam towards the boat and tried to contact his shipmates, but the communication device was also partially disabled.

The people on the train couldn’t hear what he was saying, but guessed that something was wrong.

Since its discovery under the Baltic Sea in June 2011, the mystery of the strange object has always fascinated those interested in it.

After being silent for a while, the group members began discussing whether to go home or not.

Is the mysterious disk at the bottom of the Baltic Sea the product of a prehistoric civilization or an alien spacecraft?

After a heated discussion, a diver decided to venture out again to find the secrets sleeping at the bottom of the sea.

The stone was carefully sent to the laboratory for testing and analysis, and the results were astonishing.

What is even more surprising is that the combination of these elements is very special and complex, not naturally occurring.

The hypothesis most supported by modern science was put forward by Volker Bryuherta from Stockholm University (Sweden).

Soon after, they made another discovery.

Is the mysterious disk at the bottom of the Baltic Sea the product of a prehistoric civilization or an alien spacecraft?

Following that continuous trail, they found the second disc, about 200 meters apart.

When he was about to fly over to check, the flying object suddenly rose from an altitude of 1 km above sea level to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Later, the Swedish pilot drew a picture of the UFO he saw.

This miraculous coincidence made the salvage team members believe that they had discovered a mysterious historical relic hidden deep at the bottom of the sea.

Due to insufficient human resources and finances, the Ocean

However, because the Baltic Sea has a special geographical location, making it extremely dangerous, with strong waves and winds all year round, this disc has not been salvaged to date.

Regardless of the truth, this discovery is extremely valuable and meaningful.

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