The director of Truth Arena revealed that Kim Long is actually a very strong clan but is being misused 1

The director of Truth Arena revealed that Kim Long is actually a very strong clan but is being misused

In Truth Arena season 7, Riot Games introduced more than one race – a system capable of `economic fraud`.

However, according to the Director of the Teamfight Tactics Project – Riot Mortdog, the Kim Long clan’s low index is mainly due to the players using it so poorly.

Riot Mortdog: `Are you asking me why Kim Long is rarely chosen or has a low win rate? Let me reveal the fact that on the Chinese server, Kim Long is considered an extremely strong and powerful race.

The director of Truth Arena revealed that Kim Long is actually a very strong clan but is being misused

So the question is, what is the correct way to play Kim Long?

However, many gamers only use this clan when they buy Idas when rolling to `prevent death`.

Returning to Mortdog, he often applies the playing style of not buying experience, keeping money and rotating slowly at level 5 when deciding to play Kim Long.

The director of Truth Arena revealed that Kim Long is actually a very strong clan but is being misused

How to choose the technology core is also a noteworthy point when you need to get upgrades to help you reach the 5/7/9 Kim Long milestone as soon as possible.

In short, when using Kim Long, you should play to as high an activation level as possible, keeping a lot of gold to maximize the power of this race.

The director of Truth Arena revealed that Kim Long is actually a very strong clan but is being misused
The director of Truth Arena revealed that Kim Long is actually a very strong clan but is being misused

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