Applying technology in the world's healthcare industry 5

Applying technology in the world’s healthcare industry

In this article, let’s learn about technological inventions in the world’s healthcare industry.

Applying technology in the world’s healthcare industry

Massage has long been known as one of the special health care therapies that help the body relax, recover from injuries, detoxify and strengthen the immune system,… Development of medical technology

Check out OSIM’s products that apply pioneering technology in the healthcare industry

1.OSIM uDream health care chair – An experience that awakens the 5 senses appearing in the world

The OSIM uDream healthcare chair has an asymmetrical design inspired by nature.

Going beyond a regular massage chair, OSIM uDream is a health care chair that measures, monitors, controls Stress and automatically offers a relaxation program that stimulates the senses to support health and improve mood.

It uses biosensor technology to monitor and control stress based on heart rate, respiratory index and HRV stress indicators.

According to the manufacturer’s disclosure, the product possesses 14 exclusive technologies to provide a realistic and effective relaxation experience.

Applying technology in the world's healthcare industry

2. OSIM uThrone massage gaming chair – Solution to balance work and health

As soon as it was launched, uThrone gaming massage made a splash in the global streamer and gamer community.

According to OSIM, uThrone possesses V-hand massage technology.

Applying technology in the world's healthcare industry
Applying technology in the world's healthcare industry

Fabo Nguyen – YouTuber with 793,000 channel subscribers – shares: `Those of you who have followed Fabo since the early days all know that I have a herniated disc. Therefore, when editing videos every day, I pay great attention to choosing the right videos.`

One of the other advancements is the OSIM App.

As the leading brand in the world’s healthcare market, OSIM is always a pioneer in applying medical technology to its products.

Applying technology in the world's healthcare industry

The outstanding development of applied technology in medicine has helped people’s lives become healthier and happier.

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