If you have bought a Huawei/Honor phone, don't worry too much and be affected by false information 3

If you have bought a Huawei/Honor phone, don’t worry too much and be affected by false information

The US government is taking sanctions against Chinese technology corporation Huawei and considers it a threat to national security.

As an American company, Google is also forced to follow the government’s directives, leading to Android’s boss stopping granting licenses to use this operating system to Huawei.

This information immediately created negative sentiment among users about Huawei smartphones.

For those who are planning to own a Huawei phone, this is clearly not a good time to `spend money`.

Note: This article applies to products of Huawei’s sub-brand Honor.

Current Huawei phones will not turn into `bricks`

Many people think that Huawei phones currently on the market will no longer be able to use Google services after this event, turning them into nothing more than `bricks`.

All Huawei phones that have been sold on the market today were licensed by Google before the ban, so they can use Google services completely normally.

Up to now, the only Huawei device that is at risk of not being able to use Google services is the Honor 20 Pro.

If you have bought a Huawei/Honor phone, don't worry too much and be affected by false information

Huawei phones will no longer receive Android updates?

In the information that has been spread recently, I regret to say that this is correct.

However, Huawei has pledged to continue updating EMUI with more features and bug fixes.

In addition, there is one very important detail to note.

For Huawei’s newly launched devices such as the P30 series or Mate 20 series, because they already run Android Pie, at this time users will still be able to experience the latest features from Google.

So what about Android Q?

If you have bought a Huawei/Honor phone, don't worry too much and be affected by false information

That is, even without the recent embargo, users of the P30 and Huawei smartphones will have to wait at least until the end of this year or early next year to receive the Android Q update. And from now on

In the worst case scenario, don’t forget that Huawei still has full rights to use Google’s open source version of Android (AOSP).

Is the value of Huawei phones cheap?

Even though people are trying to `depress` the price of Huawei phones, the truth is that the value of these devices is still not as `pathetic` as many people think.

Let’s take the Huawei P30 Pro for example.

As mentioned above, current Huawei phones will still be able to use Google services normally.

And in our opinion, the price of a phone is not determined by whether it has Google services or not, but instead by the nature of the product and the value it brings to users.

Owning a Huawei phone, what should you do?

If you have bought a Huawei/Honor phone, don't worry too much and be affected by false information

In our opinion, you… should do nothing.

Many people who are using Huawei phones think that they have to sell the device they are using immediately, otherwise its price will quickly `hit bottom` due to a series of negative news in recent times.

We think otherwise – as we think this is the worst time to sell a Huawei phone.

To sum up, selling off Huawei phones is not the wisest direction at this time, at least financially.

If you have bought a Huawei/Honor phone, don't worry too much and be affected by false information

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