Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who is the strongest martial artist? 2

Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who is the strongest martial artist?

During a bloody historical period like the Three Kingdoms, besides the battles of wits, the competitions between the top martial arts and famous generals at that time were always an attractive topic.

Among the famous martial generals of the Three Kingdoms, it is impossible not to mention Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van.

So, in terms of comprehensive ability, how do we know who is stronger than who?

The answer to this comparison problem can completely be decoded through analysis of the common opponents of Quan Vu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van.

Following Liu Bei from the first days of his career, Guan Yu was a famous martial artist in the Three Kingdoms.

In 190, when the alliance of 18 vassals sent troops to attack Dong Trac, the cavalry captain Hoa Hung consecutively beheaded many generals.

After that, Guan Yu stepped out and quickly demonstrated his talent to kill Hoa Hung, surprising the vassals.

Cao Cao paid special attention to Guan Yu, and even spared someone’s death because Guan Yu pleaded.

This surprised many people because the famous arrogant Guan Yu asked Cao Cao to spare Truong Lieu’s death.

Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who is the strongest martial artist?

Out of respect for Guan Yu, Cao Cao decided to spare Truong Lieu’s death.

In the year 200, Cao Cao led an army to attack Xuzhou, causing Liu Bei’s army to succumb and flee.

This famous general even dared to set conditions with Cao Cao, called the `three chapter convention`, emphasizing that he would only surrender to Han, not to Cao, and if he knew where Liu Bei was, he would immediately go find him.

Accordingly, Cao Cao gave beautiful women, good wine, gold and silver…, and even Xich Tho, the famous horse once ridden by Lu Bo, to Guan Yu.

During the temporary surrender to Cao Cao, Guan Yu achieved many glorious victories such as beheading Nhan Luong and Van Xu, two of Yuan Shao’s top generals, in the Battle of Bach Ma in 200. A strong general like Tu Hoang could only

Of course, the consecutive killing of Yuan Shao’s two favorite generals also made Cao Cao love him even more and wanted to submit to Guan Yu.

Unfortunately, Guan Yu was a loyal person, steadfastly following Liu Bei, refusing all the benefits given by Cao Cao.

Seeing this, Cao Cao still sent dispatches to release Guan Yu.

In addition to his superior martial arts skills, Quan Vu is also a famous general who is good at tactics.

After defeating 7 Wei armies and beheading Wei general Bang Duc, Quan Vu relied on the rain and floods to take advantage of the victory and rush to level Phan Thanh and attack the capital to capture Cao Cao.

Immediately after hearing the news that Guan Yu had won a resounding victory, Cao Cao was very worried at that time, even intending to move the capital and take Emperor Han Xian out of Xuchang.

Knowing Quan Vu’s martial arts skills through the famous victories of the Three Kingdoms, it was Quan Vu’s military ability when participating in battle that truly frightened Cao Cao, even wanting to move the capital.

At first, Cao Cao only knew that Truong Phi was very good at martial arts.

However, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Battle of Bach Ma (year 200) directly changed Cao Cao’s attitude towards Truong Phi.

Specifically, after Guan Yu quickly killed the two generals Nhan Luong and Van Xu in return for his kindness, Cao Cao wholeheartedly praised them.

This statement shows that Quan Vu highly appreciates Truong Phi’s martial arts.

Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who is the strongest martial artist?

Later, in 208, in the Battle of Changban, Liu Bei suffered a heavy defeat and had to flee.

Truong Phi at that time took on the task of blocking Liu Bei’s escape.

Truong Phi stood alone on a horse on the bridge and shouted loudly: `I am Truong Duc Duc, from the Yen country. Who dares to fight with me to life and death?`

Truong Phi’s loud scream at that time was like thunder, causing the Cao army to tremble in fear.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that Cao Cao was wary of Truong Phi’s power.

Zhao Yun’s loyalty, courage, and devotion to his master were highly appreciated by Cao Cao.

The reason why Cao Cao ordered his soldiers not to shoot arrows and to capture Trieu Van alive was because he wanted to recruit this martial general.

To Cao Cao, Trieu Van was a rare talent that he only wanted to recruit.

So, according to Cao Cao, who has the most comprehensive power?

Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that Cao Cao feared Quan Vu in both martial arts and military abilities.

Thus, according to Cao Cao, Guan Yu is the famous general with the strongest comprehensive strength, followed by Truong Phi and finally Trieu Van.

Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who is the strongest martial artist?

Article reference sources: Sohu, Baidu, Sogou

Guan Yu, Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who is the strongest martial artist?

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