Evidence shows that we... are extraterrestrial beings 1

Evidence shows that we… are extraterrestrial beings

A theory that has long existed in the astronomy world, once considered crazy and only found in science fiction movies, is increasingly proving its reality: Life on Earth comes from space,

In recent years, more and more studies have supported this strange hypothesis.

According to Science Alert, they used a supervacuum chamber with several substrates to simulate conditions in cosmic dust clouds, to demonstrate that amino ketene – a chemical precursor to peptides – can be formed.

This research published in Nature Astronomy confirms that 4 billion years ago, things proven to be born from this cosmic `furnace` landed on Earth and planted the seeds of life.

The material for this cosmic furnace must have been an environment with diverse chemistry – something that did not exist in the early chaos of the universe.

Evidence shows that we... are extraterrestrial beings

Population III stars are the oldest group of stars in the universe, observed by super telescopes that `pierce` the world billions of years ago, the oldest being more than 13 billion years old.

These stars, like modern stars, exploded as supernovae at the end of their lives.

The final piece of the puzzle – what brought life to Earth – continues to be demonstrated by meteorites falling on our world, carrying varying levels of so-called `life building blocks`.

A new breakthrough in this research direction was also achieved in 2022, in a study published in Nature Communications in April 2022.

Sci-News quoted Dr. Yasuhiro Oba of Hokkaido University (Japan) as saying that they tried to search for two nucleobases, purines and pyrimidines.

The results not only confirmed the existence of these two nucleobases, but also a series of other nucleobases.

Evidence shows that we... are extraterrestrial beings

The group of scientists said that although the discovery was not enough to be a direct statement that life on Earth – including us – came from some distant alien world, it did contribute to proving the

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